Media Survival Group - Kerry Shearer’s Presentation Content
Thanks so much for attending the Media Survival Group JIC/JIS two-day training! Below are the resources Kerry Shearer presented or referred to, plus other bonus resources.
Karen Terrill
Kerry Shearer's GWPA presentation (Day 1)
"Gathering, Writing, Production and Analysis Using Social Media"
download PDF
Jimmy Lee
Kerry Shearer's Social Media/Live Video Presentation (Day 2)
download PDF
Livestream TechStore: Smartphone/iPad Video/Audio Production Accessories
Here's where you can see and purchase great gear from my TechStore for smartphone video recording. All purchases are through Amazon using my affiliate links, so you can buy with total confidence.
Accessorize Your Smartphone
download PDF
Link to Pre-Scripted Tweets for a Range of Disasters
(This doc was offered by participants in a bay area workshop. It was NOT created by Media Survival Group or Kerry Shearer)
View Google Doc
Examples of Social Media Policies
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Kerry conducts trainings for public information officer teams to make them proficient in livestreaming and smartphone video production! Please contact Kerry here.