Periscope for Public Agencies: How the Sacramento Fire Department Uses Periscope

Periscope, Twitter's new live-streaming video app, has been exploding in popularity since it launched on March 26th. Many of the first people on Periscope were entrepreneurs, online marketers, and plain old individuals having fun with the tool.

I've noticed that public agencies, local businesses, and non-profits are way behind on discovering and using Periscope, but those who have begun using it have seen massive engagement and interaction with their followers.

Sacramento Fire Department is setting the standard for fire agencies' use of Periscope, and in this video, I interview Roberto Padilla, who hopped on Periscope immediately upon its release and began bringing captivating emergency response coverage to citizens.

The Sacramento Fire Department, according to their spokesperson, appears to have been the first fire agency in the U.S. to begin doing regular broadcasts with Periscope, Twitter's live streaming video app. In this video, I met up and spoke with Roberto Padilla, who in July, 2015 was just completing a one-year assignment as Public Information Officer for the City of Sacramento Fire Department.

What did you think of this interview? I'd love for you to leave a comment below.